Friday, April 22, 2011

Walking in the light

Walking In The Light



The word of God is like a light on my feet.  It will steer you down all the right paths, if you follow its commandments.  You see, every problem that you will ever face on your time on earth, God has foreseen it.  Most of witch could be found in the bible. God’s word will tell you how to avoid or go through them.  There will even have times where you will have a problem and find that exact problem in the bible.  Is sometimes may not be the exact problem you have but it will help you in your own way.  And the strange thing is if you do find it in the bible, and it helps you.  You may never be able to find it again.  Its still there, its just you don’t need it anymore.  The main thing about the bible that non Christians do not like is, not only is it a light on there feet, but its also constantly dropping bricks on their toes.  You see as a non Christians reads the bible, they start to see that the things they do are not right with God and it convicts them.  They stop reading because of that.  There are may roads that we walk on throughout life.  The easiest is probably the road of sin. If you are on the road to Christ, the devil has every temptation that you can think of along the way.  Also he is constantly trying to put stuff in your path to make you veer off course.  The trick is to never take your eyes off of Jesus.  It’s like when Peter jumped out of the boat and started walking on water.  During the time he had his eyes on Jesus, he did the impossible.  He walked on water, but as soon as he looked away he started to sink.  On the road to Christ, as long as you keep your eyes on him, he will be in front of you clearing your path.  When on the road of sin the devil doesn’t have to work as hard cause sins are already there.  All he has to do is keep the temptations there and the road will stay open.  The Christian road is so cluttered with objects that the devil threw in front of Christians that without help, no one would be able to get down the road at all.  But us Christians have something for that.  We have Jesus.  He is like a football player kicking field goals kicking things out of our way.  While the whole time we continue on our goal. So in closing, will you try to walk down this road in the dark or will you go down it with the light of Jesus illuminating your path.  Only you can decide that. 



By Lonnie A. Friou

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